The Solihull Property Blog – Week Seven

Moving home is simple, but hard. This week we launch our video series on helping you move home. I consider how gazundering can affect you and are local estate agents suffering from toxic positivity.
Video Series Launch
What is gazundering, and how it affects you
Toxic positivity. Let the stats do the talking and not the estate agents.
1. How to value your property like a PRO in 20 minutes!
The first in our video series is designed to help homeowners and sellers understand how to value their property. As a Chartered Surveyor with extensive experience in the property industry, I will be providing you with practical insights and tools that you can use to conduct your desktop study before estate agents visit your property.
2. What is gazundering, and how it affects you?
Gazunder: Verb: lower the amount of an offer that one has made to (the seller of a property), typically just before the exchange of contracts.
Check out our tips on how to avoid it HERE.
3. A tale of toxic positivity
Prices are failing, but estate agents aren’t discussing this as they wish to keep clients and potential clients positive about their moves. Many houses will fail to sell as the expectations between buyers and sellers are too far apart.
Check out Tom Blackburn’s article for the Birmingham Mail HERE.
Know your risks when moving this year. Download our free moving guide and get access to the full video series.
In next week’s blog, you’ll learn to carry out a basic inspection of your property, drastically reducing the risk of a sale falling through due to survey findings… Currently at 15% of all sales!